Coronavirus Cleaning: 5 Ways to Keep Your Place Safe
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Coronavirus Cleaning: 5 Ways to Keep Your Place Safe

With the whole coronavirus spreading rapidly across the globe, both homeowners and business proprietors need to take all measures necessary. That’s why today we’ll show you some essential coronavirus cleaning tips that will help keep your home and office safe. 

Keeping a clean environment is key for you, your family, and your employees. With this article as your guide, you’ll be able to prevent the spreading of the disease, as well as staying secure. So keep on reading to learn more!

What Is Coronavirus and How Does It Spread?

First, before taking action, it’s vital to be familiar with the virus. According to John Hopkins University, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory disease that started to appear around December 2019 in China. Some of the most common symptoms this disease includes:

  • Dry cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness in breath

Beware that when presenting any of these symptoms, please seek out medical care immediately. This way, you’ll protect yourself and help prevent the spread of the disease.

The coronavirus transmission is mostly through person-to-person. Additionally, it’s vital to note that these are highly contagious; in other words, it spreads easily compared to other viruses. That’s why you should stay safe by following the tips we’ll explain further on in this blog.

Stay Safe with These Coronavirus Cleaning Guidelines

Coronavirus Recommendations for Protection

These guidelines are here to help you out on the coronavirus cleaning. Also, be sure to wear gloves and have appropriate ventilation when you clean. 

Here are five ways to protect your place from the COVID-19:

  • Get the right disinfectant products.
  • Start by cleaning and finish by disinfecting.
  • Wash your hands regularly. 
  • Do laundry at a high-temperature setting.
  • Clean your phone and other electronics frequently.

Let’s get a better picture for each item of this list:

Coronavirus Cleaning: Get the Right Disinfection Products

Coronavirus Disinfecting Products

When it comes to preventing the spread of the virus, one vital step is to get the right cleaning products. 

Luckily, getting these products is easier than it seems. As a matter of fact, it’s very likely you already have some of these products at your disposal. This is because most household disinfectant products are EPA approved.

Additionally, beware of products that claim that they can kill the new virus. This is because, in most cases, these haven’t even been tested for the virus item. 

For this reason, if you want a better idea of which cleaning items are best against this disease, we invite you to read the Center of Biocide Chemistries’ top products that fight the novel coronavirus here. Some of these are: 

  • Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant Solutions
  • Clorox Commercial Solutions
  • LysolBrand cleaners
  • Purelldisinfectants
  • Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach solutions and wipes

Clean Hands Mean Protected Hands: Wash Your Hands Frequently

One of the most effective ways to stay safe during these times is by keeping our hands clean regularly. After all, our hands are constantly touching all types of surfaces. Not only that but also it can be quite hard to keep your hands away from your face completely.

There are five steps into effectively washing your hands, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. These are:

  1. Start by wetting your hands with running, clean water. 
  2. Froth your hands with soap and water. Be sure to lather your hands between your fingers, at the back of your hand, and even under your nails.
  3. Rub and scrub your hands for 20 seconds
  4. Rinse your hands with running, clean water.
  5. Dry your hands. You can either air dry them or a clean towel.

This way, you can efficiently eliminate any harmful microbes and germ. 

There are many situations in which you’ll need to wash your hands. Some of these include washing them after using the bathroom, blowing your nose, touching animals, and even touching your garbage. Also, keep your hands clean before eating, preparing food, and treating wounds. 

Lastly, be sure to keep at hand an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that’s at least 60% alcohol. 

Start by Cleaning and Finish by Disinfecting

Clean and Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

When doing a thorough cleaning, keep in mind that you must first clean and then continue by disinfecting. This is because cleaning can’t kill all germs. However, it does a great job of removing them. Disinfecting, on the other hand, kills the bacteria left from the cleaning. That way, you can lower by a lot the spread of the virus. 

Bear in mind to clean the surfaces that you are always touching. For instance, here are some of the most frequently touched surfaces:

  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Chair armrests
  • Working surfaces such as desktops 
  • Light switches
  • Bathroom taps

A good practice is to clean these “high-touch” surfaces at least once a day. To do the cleaning, be sure to wear gloves and have plenty of ventilation during the process. Also, be sure to use the items we mentioned above, such as cleaning sprays and wipes. 

You can also hire a company to sanitize your house since cleaning services and sanitizing differ in various ways.

Do Laundry at a High-Temperature Setting

Setting Washing Machine in High Temperature

Believe it or not, doing your laundry prudently can help prevent the spread of the COVID-19. That’s why when washing your clothes, be sure to so on the highest recommended temperature setting. Especially, do this immediately to clothes that have bodily fluids on them.

Keep in mind to use gloves when handling your clothes, just as we stated before. If not, then wash your hands thoroughly.

Always read the recommended directions of the clothing’s laundry labels. For the most part, using EPA approved detergent and drying the clothes at the warmest temperature 

Last but not least, don’t forget to wash your laundry bags, as these tend to catch germs and other types of microorganisms from dirty clothes. 

Clean Your Phone and Other Electronics Frequently

Wiping Phone Using Alcohol

As we all know, electronics are among the most touched items daily. As a matter of fact, it’s said that these contain more germs than a toilet seat! 

Phones and other electronic devices are handled continuously and even press against our faces when placing a call. For this reason, it’s imperative to clean your phone.

Fortunately, you can keep your phone safe when cleaning it. In fact, Apple’s website states that you can use disinfectant wipes to clean iPhones. Also, be sure NOT to place your phone into a cleaning product, as it may damage your device. 

Also, please avert getting the opening wet, as well as using spray cleaners. Lastly, also have the option of using UV phone sanitizers if you’re not too keen on using disinfectant wipes.

It’s Time to Clean and Disinfect Your Place

Now that you know the necessary measures for coronavirus cleaning, then it’s time to start your cleaning at once!  Keep in mind that in order to keep safe from this outbreak, everybody needs to get involved.  For any additional information, be sure to keep up to date with the guidelines and recommendations that are on the CDC website.

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